
Options Maintains option state for all of Vyzor.
Vyzor Vyzor, UI Manager for Mudlet
Lib A utility module, holding miscellaneous functions and structures.


HUD Instantiates the HUD, the master Frame.


Frame The primary container for Vyzor Components.
Base The base object from which all other Vyzor objects are derived.
Background Defines a Frame's Background.
Border A Component that defines a Frame's Border.
BorderSide A subcomponent that defines individual sides of a Border Component.
Brush A Component container that holds either a Color or Gradient Component.
Color A Component that defines color information.
Font A Component defining certain text manipulations.
Gradient A Component that defines gradient data.
Hover This Component defines Frame behaviour on mouse-over and may contain other Components.
Image This Component holds image data.
Map A container for Mudlet's built-in Map display.
Margin This Component defines the Margin of a Frame.
MiniConsole A Mudlet text container that mimicks the main console.
Padding This Component defines the Padding of a Frame.
Position A Supercomponent, for use only with Frames.
Size A Supercomponent used only within Frames to manage space.
Box A container that holds and maintains a dynamically arranged collection of Frames.
Chat A Compound composed of MiniConsoles and tabs that can be echoed to.
Gauge A lightweight container for Frames that will function as a dynamically resized bar.
Alignment Defines options for aligning content within various Components.
BorderStyle Specifies option for Border and BorderSide Components.
BoundingMode Determines which aspect a Frame prefers to lose when subject to bounding.
BoxMode Defines options for Box Compounds.
ColorMode Specifies modes for Color Components.
FontDecoration Specifies Font markup options.
FontStyle Specifies options for Font styles.
FontWeight Specifies options for Font weights.
GaugeFill Specifics options for Gauge fill direction.
GradientMode Specifies operating modes for Gradient Components.
Enum A base object for all Enum objects.
Repeat Specifies options for Component with repeating elements.
TabLocation Determines where the tabs will be placed within a Chat Compound.
VyzorBorder Used to identify the Border Frames Vyzor creates and manages.
generated by LDoc 1.4.6 Last updated 2017-11-15 22:27:55