Frame |
The primary container for Vyzor Components. |
Base |
The base object from which all other Vyzor objects are derived. |
Background |
Defines a Frame's Background. |
Border |
A Component that defines a Frame's Border. |
BorderSide |
A subcomponent that defines individual sides of a Border Component. |
Brush |
A Component container that holds either a Color or Gradient Component. |
Color |
A Component that defines color information. |
Font |
A Component defining certain text manipulations. |
Gradient |
A Component that defines gradient data. |
Hover |
This Component defines Frame behaviour on mouse-over and may contain other Components. |
Image |
This Component holds image data. |
Map |
A container for Mudlet's built-in Map display. |
Margin |
This Component defines the Margin of a Frame. |
MiniConsole |
A Mudlet text container that mimicks the main console. |
Padding |
This Component defines the Padding of a Frame. |
Position |
A Supercomponent, for use only with Frames. |
Size |
A Supercomponent used only within Frames to manage space. |
Box |
A container that holds and maintains a dynamically arranged collection of Frames. |
Chat |
A Compound composed of MiniConsoles and tabs that can be echoed to. |
Gauge |
A lightweight container for Frames that will function as a dynamically resized bar. |
Alignment |
Defines options for aligning content within various Components. |
BorderStyle |
Specifies option for Border and BorderSide Components. |
BoundingMode |
Determines which aspect a Frame prefers to lose when subject to bounding. |
BoxMode |
Defines options for Box Compounds. |
ColorMode |
Specifies modes for Color Components. |
FontDecoration |
Specifies Font markup options. |
FontStyle |
Specifies options for Font styles. |
FontWeight |
Specifies options for Font weights. |
GaugeFill |
Specifics options for Gauge fill direction. |
GradientMode |
Specifies operating modes for Gradient Components. |
Enum |
A base object for all Enum objects. |
Repeat |
Specifies options for Component with repeating elements. |
TabLocation |
Determines where the tabs will be placed within a Chat Compound. |
VyzorBorder |
Used to identify the Border Frames Vyzor creates and manages. |